You have got a disease (Don’t panic, but imagine!). So, you should go to a doctor for treatment. Medical terms seem complicated. But when they are broken up into their root parts (mostly Greek and Latin) they become comparatively simple. The following includes the lists of doctors describing their fields by translating those root parts so that you should know where to go. Let’s start:
1. Cardiologist:
‘Cardio’ means heart while ‘Logos’ means knowledge. So a person who is expert in the diagnosis and treatment of the heart is a Cardiologist.
‘Cardio’ means heart while ‘Logos’ means knowledge. So a person who is expert in the diagnosis and treatment of the heart is a Cardiologist.
2. Dentist:
‘Denti’ means tooth. So all the treatment needed for your teeth, you should go to a dentist.
‘Denti’ means tooth. So all the treatment needed for your teeth, you should go to a dentist.
3. Dermatologist:
‘Derm/Dermat’ means skin. So a dermatologist is a specialist of skin disease.
4. Gastro-enterologist:
‘Gastro’ means stomach while ‘Entero’ means intestine. A Gastro-enterologist treats patient having difficulty in his/her stomach or intestine or both.
5. Haematologist/Hematologist:
‘Haem/Hem’ means blood. A haematologist is that specialist who treats blood related disease.
‘Haem/Hem’ means blood. A haematologist is that specialist who treats blood related disease.
6. Hepatologist:
‘Hepato’ means liver. A hepatologist is a specialist in liver and gall-bladder disease.
‘Hepato’ means liver. A hepatologist is a specialist in liver and gall-bladder disease.
7. Nephrologist:
‘Nephro’ means kidney. So should go to a nephrologist when you have difficulty in your kidney(Generally urine related).
‘Nephro’ means kidney. So should go to a nephrologist when you have difficulty in your kidney(Generally urine related).
8. Neurologist:
Neuron is the main unit of the brain. A neurologist treats neuron related disease.
Neuron is the main unit of the brain. A neurologist treats neuron related disease.
9. Oncologist: ‘Onco’ means cancer. An oncologist is a cancer specialist.
10. Opthalmologist: ‘Opthalmo’ means eye. An ophthalmologist treats disease of eye.
11. Orthopaedic surgeon:
‘Ortho’ means straight while ‘Paedi’ means child. Etymologically it is meant straight-child. But an orthopaedic surgeon is a surgeon dealing with straightening bones!
12. Psychiatrist:
‘Psych’ means mind. A psychiatrist deals patients having mental illness.
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